At Copiers Etcetera, one of our goals is to create an environmentally sustainable business. We want to preserve the Earth that sustains us and make sure future generations are able to create the small businesses that sustain our economy. But whether or not you’re interested in environmental issues, you’ll be interested in creating a more efficient office. That’s the great thing about sustainability – it’s as good for your budget as it is for the planet.

There are dozens of little things you can do to reduce waste in your office that will also make it so you’re wasting less money. Here’s a list of simple and easy ways to increase your contribution to sustainability while also reducing common costs associated with any office. Try these for a month and see how your electricity and shopping bills shrink:

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  • Place stickers near or on light switches and office machines reminding everyone to turn them off when they’re not in use.
  • Many fax machines have options that allow you to send faxed documents directly to computers. When you can, use email instead!
  • Buy recycled paper products and ink cartridges. Most of the time they’re actually cheaper than the new options.
  • Always be on the lookout for things that can go digital. Less paper means less waste.
  • Order supplies in bulk – it reduces packaging waste and gets you a discount.
  • Switch from staplers to reusable clips. No more buying staples, and separating pages isn’t a problem.
  • If you have long breaks for the holidays (a week or more), save energy by cleaning out the fridge and unplugging it. Remember to leave the door open so you don’t end up with mold.
  • Have electronics or other items at home you’re not using anymore? Don’t throw them away! Create a “freebies” table where employees can leave unwanted items for anyone who wants them.
  • Switch to washable mugs, plates and silverware in the office kitchen. Having to wash the dishes is worth never having to buy wasteful disposable dinnerware again.
  • Try using free programs like Google Hangouts for long-distance meetings instead of paying for travel.
  • Post a signup sheet for carpooling. You never know who might be living near you. There’s nothing like saving on gas money!
  • Remind people that they can improve their health by taking the stairs if they’re able. However, avoid shutting off the elevators unless you are certain that everyone in the office can use the stairs without difficulties caused by illness or disability.
  • Create a box where people can leave suggestions for a greener office. You can encourage participation by offering prizes for the best ideas.


It can take time for everyone in the office to get used to these small changes, but with frequent reminders, simple things like turning off the lights will become habit. With everyone participating, you’ll be surprised how much money you can save each month. Plus, you can all feel good about helping to sustain the environment and make things easier for future generations of business owners!

Whenever you need to upgrade your office machines, consider looking into energy efficiency and paper-saving options. You might pay a little more, but it will save you money over time.

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